
War Robots [2.6] Test Server - NEW Heavy Prototype Weapons Gameplay

2017-11-08 1 Dailymotion

War Robots [2.6] Test Server Gameplay with the New Heavy Prototype Weapons (Heavy Spiral 1+2+3).\r
it wasnt long since i complained about the new Mid Range Meta and here we are getting more 600 range weapons , this time its a mix between the Trident and the Annoying Hydra/Spirals , i Believe that Pixonic are changing the game-Meta intentionally but i dont know why..\r
anyway despite these weapons being extremely boring to use , lets just get into them quickly.\r
first we got the Heavy Spiral 1 , its identical to the Original Spiral but deals more damage , simple right ?\r
next we got the Heavy Spiral 2 , its a fusion between 2 normal spirals , deals slightly more damage than the previous one.\r
finally we have the Heavy Spiral 3 , its the heavy Version of the Hydra , didnt calculate how much damage it exly deals but its obviously overwhelming.\r
these weapons arent overpowered when we come to stats except for the last one , could use some nerf , however in the end i believe that the Heavy class doesnt require another Hydra or Spiral , there-for , heavy Prototype 1 + 3 should be excluded from the final version and only Spiral 2 should be considered since its somewhat interesting in its functionality.\r
anyway game 1 focuses on the Heavy Spiral 3 , the second one is dedicated for the 2nd and the 3rd version of it , didnt feel like needing a 3rd game since i got bored lol..\r
Original content belongs to the original owners.\r
War Robots is a game created by Pixonic LLC.